Pulled pork belly leftovers

My housemate is a chef and they serve pulled pork, which is basically pork belly which has been slow-cooked over 24 hours and then when it’s all smooshy you drag a comb thingy across it and end up with nice textured and flavoured meat bits – but when they “pull” the pork they throw away the fat!

When I heard this I was distraught, so I asked if he can bring it home.

Yes – indeed. In buckets.


It’s not the prettiest, but this is the leftovers of pulled pork in a restaurant that they just toss away. šŸ™



The belly skin has been nicely rendered and just pulls apart into a sticky gelatinous mess, not chewy at all.


So then just chuck it on the barbie – it’s self oiling šŸ™‚ – until there’s some crispy bits.


It’s fucking amazing.


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