Ash Simmonds
Some Idiot
Friday, 25th May 2012
Tags: Home cooking - healthy eatingKetogenic diet meals - for awesomeness, not just weight lossporkPork BellyZero carb - animal based carnivore diet for health - no vegan vegetarian plant food
8 May, 2016
1 Feb, 2016
31 Jan, 2012
Lamb curry, with a bit of carrot n garlic
4 Jan, 2016
Stag half-price steak, Yalumba Uncorked, Universal Wine Bar scallops
3 May, 2013
Hmm, what should I drink? (iphone photo by @Sprigggy )
14 May, 2010
Golden Country Corned Beef #thuglyfe
1 Dec, 2014