Big Head Zero Carb Beer – is it?

I sent them an email a while ago asking about it because I don’t know of any other zero carb beer, so I was wondering how or even IF it’s possible:

Thanks for getting in touch! As you can probably appreciate, a bit like Colonel Sanders, we don’t reveal the ‘secret herbs and spices’ details of our beer recipes. However, all our beers are brewed following authentic brewing methods, with authentic brewing ingredients.

Bringing in the no-carb element involves even more attention to times, temperatures and plenty of patience during fermentation – we have to ensure everything in the brew is ‘just so’, to enable the yeast to consume all the sugars from the malted barley. The development process involved a lot of trials and external testing to verify the results – it took us 13 months to get it right!

So at this stage we can only take their word for it. My results are decent with it though, I can swill a slab of the stuff over a weekend and I don’t get bloated or stack on weight like I do with regular beer.

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