Carbohydrates in wine – residual sugar, and why nearly all online guides are wrong
Carbs in wine are mis-reported across the board because they don’t know what “carbohydrates, by difference” means. It’s only 2-8g per litre in “dry” wine.
Carbs in wine are mis-reported across the board because they don’t know what “carbohydrates, by difference” means. It’s only 2-8g per litre in “dry” wine.
Love this article: Via Drunkard. RT @MagpiePants "I want a few drinks but it's lame to drink alone :/"– False. The Zen Of Drinking Alone:
No more Dadd jokes. #Mumm — Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 15, 2014 Nanji AA, Mendenhall CL, French SW. Source: Department of Pathology, University of Ottawa, Canada. Abstract The amount and type of dietary fat is...
Yeah, it’s only a mouse study, but still… Anyhoo, here’s some extracts from the article: A primary safety concern with alcohol is its...