February 2015 – Round up
"Your body makes glucose if you stress it by not eating it." ~ "#Paleo"tards
Your body also makes poop. Stop stressing your body: eat shit.
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 1, 2015
If a tree falls in the for… Lake, does it make a sou… Splash? #losttreeislost pic.twitter.com/rAvqRe5ln5
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 2, 2015
@CaloriesProper "A glass of red wine is the equivalent to an hour at the gym"–
I just spent 12 hours at the gym.
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 2, 2015
"Three Reasons Zero Carb is Easier Than Low Carb"http://t.co/Gij5tSHN8C#LCHF #keto #zerocarb pic.twitter.com/ejaV3oFwdW
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 3, 2015
RT @whole9life "The 'fifth taste,' umami, could be beneficial for health"–
The medium isn't the MSG.
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 2, 2015
At beach watching latest @beaglerush XCOM vid, German: "Did that news report just say terror attacks in Melbourne? I'm going there next! :O"
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 3, 2015
I'm yet to find a "#paleo" etc health/nutrition guru that is confident enough in their regime that they don't sell supplements. Hmm.
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 3, 2015
Schmick '78 X1/9, rare sight, made my day – I was lucky/dumb enough to own about 5 of these over the last 15 years. pic.twitter.com/CbwQ3u6Oxn
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 3, 2015
MVP: Manuka smoked streaky bacon.
Called streaky because it's so good you'll want to run around in the nude. pic.twitter.com/wMbJXpokVT
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 3, 2015
"if looking to lose weight and are worried about your 'high cholesterol' on a ketogenic diet, you're out of excuses"http://t.co/0KMbktlEyb
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 4, 2015
@ItsTheWooo "MEAT: SUCKS 4 KETO"–
EXCESS meat.
Like excess carbs etc.
Some people have problems with self-control. blah.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 4, 2015
80% chance of WTF? pic.twitter.com/YXV61dRApN
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 4, 2015
@GraceBellavue "So many awkward, nervous guys asking me how big my penis is. Huge darling."–
Thanks for this one: https://t.co/84CFuWUgvS
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 5, 2015
Not concerned with LDL, it's an overhyped biometric which you should mostly ignore.
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 5, 2015
Don't ask why, just spent the day researching weed and #keto. Enlightening stuff. Any help?http://t.co/2PPjo5V9Nw
Paging @raphaels7. 😀
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 5, 2015
You make my 140th character I follow. Apt.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 5, 2015
RT @jonnybowden "Use a #slowercooker?"–
The politically correct term is "special needs McDonalds employee".
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 6, 2015
RT @smarfdoc "I wish #paleo gurus were inclined to point out those .. who ARE promoting #pseudoscience"–
Easy: they say "you need carbs".
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 6, 2015
Neat little walk. My pace was 0.915 beers per kilometer.http://t.co/e30Zz9twk5 pic.twitter.com/8hRLYvYsr1
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 7, 2015
It took 5 years, but I finally heard a song use my tweet as lyrics:
RT @AshSimmonds "My body is a temple, of DOOM"https://t.co/i5HtDh4RUJ
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 7, 2015
I for one am a firm believer in the open plan office. pic.twitter.com/WMAVlehQwg
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 7, 2015
Most important rule to a good BBQ: "There will be no fucking vegetables." ~ Ron Swansonhttps://t.co/8Jf9XKsPcZ
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 8, 2015
@sophieliddy "meat and hotties on the beach, that's gotta be a total win ;)"–
Some might call it a lifestyle.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 7, 2015
RT @chriskresser "Most people should aim to get between 15% and 30 % of their total daily calories from carbs"–https://t.co/TE3OCJ9e44
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 8, 2015
Roy FM is like a mixtape of all my favourite MP3s & tons of eclectic new stuff. Great beats for the office. #Wanaka pic.twitter.com/wbwkRLR7fd
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 8, 2015
Went to shop with $10 bucks for dinner. Fate stepped in. #pork #ribs pic.twitter.com/HerawgvnIr
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 8, 2015
Adam didn't think they were "spare". #ribs #carnivore pic.twitter.com/h8PymlV9Uv
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 8, 2015
Vit D BackLoadingâ„¢. pic.twitter.com/Z7TmnTaGaQ
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 9, 2015
The most Aussie-in-NZ feeling ever: having to traverse knee-deep grass & NOPE out… Instinct says it's filled with stuff that will end you.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 9, 2015
Off the carbs and missing #sushi? Lament no more: Sushi, #Bacon'ised.http://t.co/kbsyEXnv5O#LCHF / #keto pic.twitter.com/kF2YwhQFMY
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 9, 2015
Ah, stumbled on some old gold by an internet-friend, the book I'll write next: pic.twitter.com/p9lWPiQMl9
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 10, 2015
♫ "If you're not into yoga, and you have half a brain" ♫ #Escape #PinaColada pic.twitter.com/Y8wuGDhZtG
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 10, 2015
Meta-analysis on evidence of diet guidelines: http://t.co/ESfAaCa091
Filed under "No Shit".@zoeharcombe's blog: http://t.co/cR9z3uCJuL
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 10, 2015
Dumbest thing about all this is @zoeharcombe et al are only re-treading ground that was well-covered 30 years ago: http://t.co/8ru0GW4OTz
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 10, 2015
@CaloriesProper "…Impact of Cruciferous Vegetables on Cancer Prevention"–
LOL bollocks.http://t.co/ppaZG5zuhW pic.twitter.com/q66LBelBTH
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 10, 2015
I'm an expert on the Krunning Duger Effect, but seem oddly immune, unlike others who talk about it.@TuitNutrition @ItsTheWooo
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 10, 2015
Haven't had burnt sugar & soy coated pork ribs in AGEs. #whoremesis
(http://t.co/2DaHb8d2CX, http://t.co/gE1K1pScU5) pic.twitter.com/iXuER3dFPo
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 10, 2015
Stuck in the office again today. #FML
Hit me up if you need some web/SEO/etc guru shit done. pic.twitter.com/VBZOXhAJFF
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 11, 2015
Ugh, babysitting gig didn't work out. They didn't say if the baby cries cos it's cold that you shouldn't warm it up in the microwave.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 11, 2015
My penis has a 180 IQ. Celebrating Valentines Day is a stroke of genius.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 14, 2015
Valentine's Day – time to share a broken heart.http://t.co/5TVLccyRMN#recipe pic.twitter.com/I4FUqNEVO8
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 15, 2015
Something that hasn't happened in about 20 years… I own a bike – $10 bucks!
Now to take it off some sweet jumps… pic.twitter.com/alp7976OzK
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 15, 2015
"Two things have changed me and my wife for the better: #Cannabis and #Keto."http://t.co/r0wmMf1K95
Still researching! Help if you can…
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 15, 2015
I spent thousands of hours creating something I thought was useless. However @DrEades has this to say about my book: pic.twitter.com/fofQuXrJyD
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 15, 2015
Ah, just noticed got my first <5 star review for my book.
"Good information, poorly presented"
Furry muff. pic.twitter.com/QQZoKnn3Bc
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 15, 2015
Just watched Say Anything for first time in like 25 years, only now occurs to me it's the prequel to High Fidelity.
Ping @TaschaD.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 15, 2015
Because eggs.http://t.co/UsZ0zKUULj#cholesterol pic.twitter.com/9tjpBbO5JA
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 16, 2015
Any #Wanaka'ians know what's happening/happened at the tent in the park? pic.twitter.com/jn46eyCPG6
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 16, 2015
Tickles my giblets that my 30 Day Steak Challenge is gaining traction.http://t.co/xMEWwX0fGa pic.twitter.com/LmITqG1uf6
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 16, 2015
They've discovered being ketogenic is anti-inflammatory. So, do some ridiculous fasting, or eat meat and dodge carbs.http://t.co/CUHuLwyPA8
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 17, 2015
Trust the Aussie guy to bring the correct tools to the BBQ. pic.twitter.com/wYciMwxz9x
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 16, 2015
When my ears get blocked up with water I just crank the Haddaway. pic.twitter.com/wKQDWjPCEg
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 17, 2015
So they DO have a use. pic.twitter.com/q8yyZZdX6F
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 19, 2015
Ah – 2 new ☆☆☆☆☆ reviews of my sciencey wiencey mish mash of #keto/#LCHF this week. How are people even finding it? pic.twitter.com/JwDFDFiXzW
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 20, 2015
S'ok, I think there's tons more opportunity over here, but all in the North Island I think, I wanted to stay south. Ah well.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 21, 2015
The King and I marshalling the cycling leg of Challenge #Wanaka Triathlon.
I get a hi-vis vest, he gets a cape. pic.twitter.com/wBaHtErGeI
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 21, 2015
My #keto science book is now as $low as it goes, tell your mum – or whoever else might be interested: http://t.co/5UoHSq3Fxn
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 21, 2015
When in Rome, er, #Wanaka. pic.twitter.com/HGTXK7O8bf
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 24, 2015
Best. Review. Ever.
"Better than the bible" LMFAO#keto #LCHF #lowcarb pic.twitter.com/JXS37oYXBd
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 25, 2015
Sorry to wank on about my book, but it's only with time that one can appreciate how shit original cover designs were. pic.twitter.com/olmAjfn7sJ
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 25, 2015
Reminiscing – got in ton o trouble for shenanigans, but folk were stupid enough to auto-tweet when added to a list… pic.twitter.com/NEfu8dSvd2
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 25, 2015
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 25, 2015
Holy Protein Pow(d)er sacrilege Batman. @DrEades pic.twitter.com/QUlxvNa57a
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 25, 2015
"No vegetables, cheese, nuts. Just fatty meat, pretty much just beef. Not tired of eating this way." (check the age!) pic.twitter.com/cmQUnEajva
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 26, 2015
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 26, 2015
52 times a year. pic.twitter.com/ruuRDk1Id4
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 26, 2015
Fat – the ultimate comfort food. #PraiseTheLard pic.twitter.com/tzjBmZTQAO
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 26, 2015
A #vegetarian wakes up.http://t.co/zywD2mcGDw #keto #LCHF pic.twitter.com/owLIanNlGm
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 26, 2015
New Zealand is just Tasmania, with Germans.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 26, 2015
Correlation <> Causation…
Sometimes.http://t.co/qKaWzoE95Y pic.twitter.com/tQCw6ALMpW
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 26, 2015
♫ another niiight out, another dance flaw ♫ #ouchhttp://t.co/7SxSJqP2nz
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 27, 2015
Couple dozen questions about zero carb lifestyle from a 10 year carnivore veteran chick (including preggo stuff):https://t.co/Y4SwQUg650
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 27, 2015
Carb Cycling for dummies: going for a bike ride with a six-pack of beer.
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 27, 2015
My outdoor gym. The beer is for mad carb gainz brah. #paleo'bro pic.twitter.com/tfEecHTwzv
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 27, 2015
Housemate is a chef, but he looks forward to when I cook breakfast – always steak.
(+shrooms/garlic/cheese/butter) pic.twitter.com/7b9GMYtzqI
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 27, 2015
A common question on the "Zero Carb" lifestyle: "Do you believe we must avoid all plants/carbs or we'll die?" pic.twitter.com/r5MvYcUMNL
— High Steaks (@CarnivoresCreed) February 28, 2015
Another ☆☆☆☆☆ review of my book 🙂 with legit criticisms too.
I did cover that in the introduction – and subtitle! pic.twitter.com/aGO2ItvuFZ
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 28, 2015
#Spocktoberfest Eternal.
RT @AshSimmonds pic.twitter.com/vAhT12ouBO
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 28, 2015
RT @aworldlymonk "Live long and prosper."–#Spocktacular pic.twitter.com/OoOHE5sdAb
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 28, 2015
You're only ever one drink away from the next great idea.
And only two drinks away from forgetting it.
— Some Idiot actually (@AshSimmonds) February 28, 2015