On Plants and Carnivory: Comment on CaloriesProper.com


Further resources:

Much of this (about the default nature of healthy plant eating) is covered in the response to MDA here:

And here:


Has your brocolli been frozen? Oops:


Watch out for that salad:


Cooking plants probably isn’t a good thing to do:


Well, you probably shouldn’t eat ’em raw either, damn:


You think brocolli and kale and brussel sprouts etc are amazing natural healthy things we evolved gorging on? Think again:


Georgia Edes has a bunch of cool stuff – here’s a talk about some of the issues:


And here’s an extensive post about why veggies maybe aren’t something that’s particularly good for you:

And some stuff specifically about broccoli/crucifers:

Amber goes into some details about plants and their biochemical warfare against “predators”:


Funnily enough HG’s didn’t appear to start getting tooth problems until they introduced significant plants into their diet:


Oh and as it turns out, most of the natural nutrition in our plant food is probably somewhat depelted anyhoo:


Some more about phytochemicals – which if you change the word “chemical” to “nutrient” it suddenly sounds more marketable, yessss those lovely phytonutrients mmm:


Plants don’t help cancer like they want you to believe:


Oh and did you know that brocolli is only a recent addition to our food? In the US it only emerged around the same time as seed oils and cereals, in Australia they weren’t even around when my mum was born:


TONS of stuff here about the anti-nutrients and toxins of plant food:

Another list and details about all the nasties in plants:


Etc etc etc.

Yes, I know it’s a one-sided cherry-picked argument, but the problem is the argument has been absolutely one-sided in the other direction for our entire lives, and 99.9999% of people will never even question status quo enough to look deeper.

Caveat vegor.

“My question, right from the start, has been WHY do fruit/veg/nuts/plants in general get the default position of “healthy”?”

Are they “healthy” because they’re plants? Why MUST we eat them?

You never addressed this. And guess what – NOBODY has, ever.

This is why I’m like that annoying 5yo kid asking “why is the sky the colour of smurf jizz” or something. I simply don’t accept “because”.

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