Flour free cheesy garlic bread

I got distracted and overcooked the base whilst trying to make a pizza – as in cooked too much to use as a base for pizza that had to go back in the oven for a fair while, but just long enough to be the bread base for a quick snack – figgered it might make a decent start for garlic bread.

My go-to for a quick and easy base is now the “Oopsie Roll” inspired version, basically just eggs and cream cheese and a dash of vinegar.

[quote]It’s incredibly light so won’t give you that weighed down feeling normal dough will, but it’s still strong enough to carry a bunch of ingredients, and it’s pretty much neutral in flavour so it won’t interfere with whatever you want to make out of it.[/quote]

Full recipe and method available HERE.


low carb keto garlic bread


Smooshed butter and garlic up, spread it over the base with fingers, shredded a pinch of parsley over it, and then dumped some soft garlic cheese on it – kinda like fetta or something I think.

low carb keto surf n turf pizza oopsie roll base


Then back in the oven for just a couple minutes…

I somehow managed to nearly burn the whole damn thing again. :\

low carb keto garlic bread


All good though, the inside bits that carried the flavour were perfectly soft and delicious – all is not lost.

low carb keto garlic bread

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