Carbohydrates in wine – residual sugar, and why nearly all online guides are wrong
Carbs in wine are mis-reported across the board because they don’t know what “carbohydrates, by difference” means. It’s only 2-8g per litre in “dry” wine.
Carbs in wine are mis-reported across the board because they don’t know what “carbohydrates, by difference” means. It’s only 2-8g per litre in “dry” wine.
Ash Simmonds: Insulin gets all the spotlight, but not many folk talk about the insulin: glucagon ratio which gives insulin levels context. – Further resources: Much of this (about the default nature of healthy plant eating) is covered in the response to MDA here: Are vegetables...
I love Jaminet’s stuff, but his glucose and mucus deficiency etc assertions are just silly. Paul JaminetI ate a high-vegetable but extremely low-carb diet...
I’ve been recording absolutely eeevverything since 1th Feb. I initially started out intending to go hardcore ketovore after a couple months of laxness over...
Just wanted to see the actual yield from a steak once cooked. tl;dr – steak starts out weighing 276g raw, ends up 236g cooked...