Destination: Unknown
Have no idea how I stumbled on it, but discovered a recent Kickstarter campaign for Minaal bags – a carry-everything bag thing.
Got me thinking, right now I’m probably better off doing what everyone but me did in their 20’s and just going backpacking…
Last night I met a chick called BJ who wants me to do web stuff for her furniture import empire thingy – as soon as I said how much I’d do a website for she bought me wines and tequilas! So not counting those drunk chickens yet, but goes to show there’s stuff to do if you run into the right folk, and met an IT recruitment chick, Alex, who seemed to think I’d be quite the industry catch over here. All I was doing was trying to have a couple quiet drinks alone, interesting people just seem to find me.

But I don’t really want to stick around Auckland for long just yet, just got here, spent some time here last summer and whilst it’s a great city, it’s just more of the same right now. I may come back for a proper stint at a later date, but for now I want to check out more of the south island which we didn’t get to see much of last year to see if I can fall in love with a place before firmly planting my feet, and to do that I need to be light on my feet.
Dunno. Not that I don’t love the teal travel case Jordyn bought me, it’s just a burden to drag around – especially kinda hilly places like, well, Kiwiland.
But more than that, I was looking at my contents and 50% of it is “what if?” stuff…
Work/office boots, suit jacket, black pants, 13 t-shirts, Heff robe, overshirt, light jacket, heavy jacket, ridiculously heavy jacket, tracky dacks, sundries. Then there’s all the stuff packed in my laptop bag…
I look great in the jacket, of course, but out of all that the only thing I’d care about losing is my laptop and the dressing gown, I’m wearing it now (the gown) and it’s super fabulous. Probably the only gift Mama Bear gave me in the last few decades that I truly adore AND ticks all the useful/quality/worthwhile categories.

Theme tune:
I left my job, my boss, my car and my home
I’m leavin’ for a destination I still don’t know
Somewhere nobody must have beauties at all
And if you like us you can follow me
So let’s go!
Follow me and let’s go!
To the place where we belong
And leave our troubles at home
Come with me, we can go
To a paradise of love and joy
A destination unknown!Now I won’t feel those heavy shoulders no more
My life got better now I finally enjoy
Yes all the people wanna come here and so
Come on and join us, you can do that now
Let’s go, follow me and let’s go!
To the place where we belong
And leave our troubles at home
Come with me, we can go
To a paradise of love and joy
A destination unknown!Destination unknown!
We left the city, the pollution, the crowd
The air is clear here, ocean’s blue, I love that sound
We’re happy in this destination we found
And if you want us you can follow me
Now let’s go, follow me and let’s go
To the place where we belong
And leave our troubles at home
Come with me, we can go
To a paradise of love and joy
A destination unknown!Destination unknown!