
Don’t get much exercise, thought I’d come up with a new solo game I can I play at the local basketball court. I get bored of just shooting endlessly, but if there’s some kind of stats and scorekeeping then I can keep at it for up to an hour before getting bored.

Sadly they don’t have any markings on the court so I had to draw them myself.

Basketball Cricket

Basketball Cricket

Came up with some vague rules – will adjust them over time to keep things interesting:

Designed to roughly analog an innings of cricket.

You are the “bowler”.

A goal is a wicket.

Runs are made depending on what you hit first:

  • Ring: 1 run
  • Inner-backboard: 2 runs
  • Outer-backboard: 3 runs
  • Ball goes out of bounds/behind backboard – relocate to 3-point line: 4 runs
  • Miss entirely: 6 runs

You must take your next shot from wherever you recover the ball from.


  • If the ball goes out-of-bounds (more than 4 feet from the 3-point line) you can relocate to the 3-point line and concede 4 runs (instead of whatever was conceded by hitting the backboard, if it was a miss entirely then it’s still 6 runs).
  • If the ball is behind the backboard it is relocated to the 3-point line side-on from the board.

Change location of initial shot after each wicket.

Starting locations for wickets taken:
0: 3-point line, head on
Strong start, but shaky ground with opening batsman, often liable to a wicket within first few bowls
1: 3-point line, far-left
Difficult to get out, often results in many 4’s and 6’s
2: 3-point line, far-right
Also difficult to dismiss, rounds out a solid second-wicket partnership
3: Top of circle
A decent batsman, but susceptible to straight bowler, possible start to middle-order collapse
4: Free-throw line, centre
A weaker middle-man, a straight-forward bowl all that’s needed
5: Bottom of circle
The most orthodox/weak batsman in the line-up, most likely candidate to round out a hat-trick
6: 3-point line, left
Unpredictable and wild, if not dismissed in first couple bowls can quickly rack up a nightmarish number of runs
7: Free-throw line, left
Unpredictable but easier to dismiss
8: 3-point line, right
Another pinch-hitter, batting team’s last ditch effort to bother the scoreboard
9: Free-throw line, right
A bunny, but unpredictable

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