XCOM – Classic Ironman – Game #10 – fail

Man this game is raping me – I won 10 out of 13 battles and still my Geoscape strategies weren’t enough.

Things I learnt though: the most important things to get sussed out for battle early are laser rifles and carapace armor. Once your soldiers are equipped with these, they easily outweigh the early enemies of sectoids, thin men, floaters, and can go toe to toe with mutons. Doing it without lasers and armour is ultra hard mode.

However that of course requires sacrifice in other areas, tough balancing act.

But why can’t we see the memorial of games completed? I meticulously name all of my soldiers, I want to see how well each of them did in the final analysis.

My next game I’ll try and take screenshots (ahem, phone photos of PS3 on TV) of all the interesting stuff throughout the game so as to have my own memorial for it.

Pics: | 4577

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