Pork belleh on the Weber

Needed some fat so went to Feast butcher, well, with a slight detour cos, why not?

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

Two hours in:

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

Four hours in:

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

pork belly roast weber barbeque

Tell me you can’t taste it…

Doofus guarding the car, *ROOF*:

pork belly roast weber barbeque

Man it got chilly quick – where’d summer go?

pork belly roast weber barbeque

Pics: | 4532

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