Filet Mignon and Barramundi Something – 30 Day Steak Challenge – Day 19

Filet Mignon Steak, Arab Steed, Adelaide

Filet Mignon Steak, Arab Steed, Adelaide


Current weight: 84.1kg
Alcohol: 1 bottle of white wine, 2 glasses of red wine
Other food: 100g of barramundi, 200g of veggies

Total steak eaten: 6.8kg
Total other food: 10 eggs, 620g processed meat, 500g chicken, 1.05kg seafood, 725g carby stuff, 700g vegetables
Total alcohol: 29 beers, 9 bottles champagne, 7.5 bottles white wine, 15 bottles red wine, 0.5 bottles rosé, 23 gins, 5 vodkas

Pics: | 3784 | 3785

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